Dog Zoomies: 3 Causes of This Behavior
Have you ever seen your dog with a case of the zoomies? Dog zoomies can be cute and fun, especially when your dog seems to be having a good time with them. However, some pet owners wonder what causes this behavior and whether or not it’s normal in their pets.

In the article below, you’ll find out more information about dog zoomies. You’ll learn some of the most common causes of this habit and find out when, if ever, it’s a cause for concern. Read on to discover more about your dog’s case of the zoomies!
What are Dog Zoomies?
Zoomies are bursts of energy that cause dogs to run around and act hyper and energetic for a short period of time. They are officially known as frenetic random activity periods, or FRAPs, and they are part of everyday life for many dogs.
If your dog has the zoomies, you may see them running around in circles, chasing their tail, or spinning in place. They may also repeat the same motion over and over again for a few minutes, looking happy all the while.
Zoomies aren’t the Same as Seizures
It’s important to note that zoomies are not the same as seizures in dogs. Seizures can sometimes look a little bit like zoomies, but a dog with a seizure is not a happy-looking pet.
If your dog is suffering from a seizure, they may run in circles or may walk back and forth while repeating the same motion. However, they will also look sick or confused, may be unable to pay attention to you or to their surroundings, and may paddle their feet or gulp over and over again. Seizures require a visit to the emergency vet unless your dog has known epilepsy.
What Can Cause Zoomies in Dogs?
While zoomies can be a very common behavior in dogs, it’s still important to know what can cause them to start doing this so that you always know what’s going on with your pet. If you do have any questions about your dog’s behavior, you should always contact your veterinarian. They will be the best resource in helping find out why your dog is behaving a certain way.
3 things that can cause dog zoomies are:
Boredom and Stress
Dogs who are cooped up all day in a crate waiting for their owners to come home may have a case of the zoomies when they are released from the crate. This is because they become bored during the day and get a lot of pent-up energy that needs to be expressed somehow. It’s perfectly fine to crate-train your dog, but just be aware that they may have the zoomies for a little while when you first let them out for the day, and that this is completely normal as well.
Stress can also cause zoomies in your dog. Dogs may have the zoomies when they’ve been through a period of high stress in their lives, such as a difficult vet visit. If your dog is afraid of baths and has to go through a bath, this may be another situation in which they have the zoomies afterward. Your dog is just blowing off steam, more or less, and is likely to settle down again in a short amount of time.
Pay attention to their behavior to make sure they calm down in a while and aren’t dealing with too much anxiety.
Time of Day
The time of day may have an impact on your dog’s zoomies. Some dogs get the zoomies shortly after eating, when they have more energy from the food they’ve just consumed. Others show this behavior pattern in the evenings when their human family members are all at home for the day.
Dogs may also become more energetic and more likely to have a case of the zoomies when they first wake up or shortly before they go to bed at night. Your dog is an individual and will experience zoomies differently, especially when it comes to those caused by the time of day.
Younger Age
Finally, if your pet is younger, there is a much greater chance of them having dog zoomies than there might be in an older dog. Puppies and dogs under about three years of age are more prone to bouts of the zoomies than older dogs, simply because they have a lot more energy to blow off.
However, that isn’t to say that older dogs can’t have the zoomies. Some older dogs may feel inspired to charge happily around the house or yard every now and then, but the instances of the zoomies may become less and less as your dog gets older.
Are Dog Zoomies Normal?
As you can see, there’s nothing to be worried about when your dog has the zoomies. This behavior is perfectly normal, and it is simply much more common in some dogs than in others. All dogs have the chance of having the zoomies, however, so don’t be surprised if your dog takes off running in circles even if they never have before!
If you have any further questions or concerns about your pet’s health or wellness, be sure to talk to your vet for more information. Although zoomies are nothing to worry about, it’s still a good practice to speak to your vet any time you have questions.
Our team at Heart + Paw is always willing and happy to provide high quality veterinary care for your pet. Whether it’s about dog zoomies or other behaviors, we’re here to answer all of your questions. You can schedule a visit for your pet at any one of our locations by booking an appointment on our website or calling our team. When it comes to figuring out what’s going on with your pet, talking with a veterinarian is going to be the best way to get the answers you need.
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Heart + Paw was founded in 2018 by Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. George Melillo, who currently serves the Mid-Atlantic area. Heart + Paw offers a combination of veterinary care, pet grooming, and dog daycare to help be a resource in your pet parenthood journey.
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