Pet Parent Resources

Explore All Our Pet Parent Resources Below Become an even better pet parent by exploring our extensive database of articles designed to help you ensure your furry friends are happy and healthy.

cat hiding

Cat Behavior 101: Is Cat Hiding Something to Worry About?

Has your cat been hiding recently? Are you worried about what this could mean? Do you need to be concerned about hiding behavior in your cat? Hiding behaviors are not normal in cats, but there...
lice in dogs

6 Signs of Lice in Dogs

Does your dog have lice? Do you know how to recognize the symptoms of lice in dogs? What should you do if you think your dog may have lice? As a responsible pet owner, it’s...
puppy biting

Puppy Biting: Ways to Help Stop This Behavior

Do you have a young puppy? Are they still biting you, your family members, and inanimate objects too? Are you looking for ways to resolve this problem before it gets more out of hand? Puppy...
dog excessively drooling

Dog Excessively Drooling: Causes and How to Help

Do you have a drooly dog? Is something causing your dog to drool so much, or is this normal for them? Pet owners often worry about their dogs’ drooling behavior, and if you’re concerned about...

6 Helpful Tips on Caring for a Pregnant Cat

Do you have a pregnant cat? How are you supposed to care for a cat who is pregnant? Can you provide everything she and her developing kittens need to survive and thrive? Taking care of...
dog eye watering

What Does it Mean if My Dog’s Eye is Watering?

Is your dog’s eye watering? What does this mean? Is there something you should do for your pet, or can you just wait and see what happens? Watery eyes, or eyes that have discharge, can...
symptoms of ticks on dogs

6 Symptoms of Ticks on Dogs

Is your dog at risk of having ticks? Would you be able to tell if they did? Do you know how to recognize ticks on your dog? If your dog spends a lot of time...
can dogs get a sunburn

Can Dogs Get a Sunburn?

Have you ever heard of a dog getting a sunburn? Are you worried your dog could get sunburned when they spend time outside during the summer months? How do you take care of a dog’s...
burned dog paws

Best Ways to Help Prevent Burned Dog Paws

Did you know dogs can burn their paw pads? This sensitive part of your dog’s body is similar to the palm of your hand, and it is possible for the skin of your dog’s paw...
dog shivering

Dog Shivering: What it Means and What You Should Do

Do you have a dog who shivers a lot? Did the shivering just start, or has it been going on throughout most of your dog’s life? What does this mean, and is there anything you...
dog shedding

Dog Shedding: Here are 6 Things You Should Know

Does your dog shed? Are you looking for ways to cut down on shedding? What can you do to reduce the amount of hair your dog sheds, especially during certain times of the year? Dog...

True or False: Dog Jealousy is a Real Thing

Is dog jealousy real? Or are humans just projecting humanlike emotions and feelings onto dogs when they think their pets are jealous? What makes us think our dogs are showing signs of jealousy, anyway? The...