Dr. Mark R. Smith Partner Doctor | Amberwood Veterinary Hospital
Dr. Mark Smith received his undergraduate degree from Virginia Tech in Biology and Animal Science and graduated from the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 1987. Upon graduation, he was employed for 5 years in the Amish and Mennonite farmland as a large animal surgical and medical practitioner in Lancaster County, PA. Dr. Smith later became employed by AgriKing Inc., an international food animal nutrition, laboratory, and consulting firm which was involved in the researching, testing, and balancing of rations for all aspects of livestock for small shareholder farms.
In 1997, desiring to relocate and be near family, Dr. Smith made a shift in practice focus and started to work in the small animal industry. He has owned, developed, and successfully sold a small animal practice and has subsequently served as a relief veterinarian for multiple companion clinics and emergency hospitals in the mid-eastern portion of the United States. He has advanced training in soft tissue surgery, as well as dentistry and low-level laser therapy. He also has interests in nutrition and pain management.
In 2014, Dr. Smith started a relationship with the Mekelle University Veterinary campus, Ethiopia helping to supplement teaching in small animal and large animal medicine, as well as pursuing miscellaneous nutritional research projects. He was graciously granted the opportunity to pursue a Fulbright Specialist project at that campus for early 2020. Since January 2016, Dr. Smith has been actively involved in Amberwood Veterinary Hospital as an associate alongside Dr. Harry Burchard and Dr. Mark Russo. In July 2021, Dr. Burchard sold the clinic to Heart + Paw. Dr. Smith has a minority partnership with Heart + Paw to help manage and co-develop the hospital into a quality, regional companion animal service facility.
Dr. Smith has been married to his amazing wife, Julie, for the past 32 years, who allows him to be away from home in the service of others. He has 7 grown children, two adopted from Ethiopia in 2005. He also serves on the board of Mihret Medical Supply Group, operating in NE Africa to help supply much needed refurbished medical and veterinary equipment from the U.S. health industry.