New COVID-19 Policy at our Centers

Dear pet parents,
We are fully committed to doing everything possible to keep both you and our team members safe during this Coronavirus outbreak. Starting today (Tuesday, March 17), we’ll be requiring a team member to meet you at the front door to safely escort your pet in for their visit (they will be wearing a mask for their own protection and will be washing hands thoroughly before coming to meet you). For the time being, pet parents must remain outside; however, we are confident that we can still provide the same exceptional level of care and communication that you’ve come to expect from us.
Here’s how it will work:
For veterinary visits, our team will collect any necessary information upon your arrival. Obviously, you can feel free to wait nearby, in your car, or wherever you feel most comfortable. You also have the option of leaving your pet with us and returning later for pick-up. Our veterinary team will call you from the exam room to talk you through everything that is going on with your pet. Of course, we will never conduct any procedures or tests that you have not explicitly agreed to. Once the exam is complete, our team will meet you at the door again with your pet along with any medications, instructions, or paperwork you may need.
For our centers that offer grooming, our groomer will meet you outside to discuss any specifics about the style you’d like.
For centers that offer daycare, we’ll safely escort your pet to the play area and back to you at the front door at the end of the day.
While unconventional, we’re confident that this temporary approach will help to:
- Reduce the risk of spreading the virus
- Ensure your pet has access to our services
- Ease everyone’s concerns about entering public place
It’s important to note that we are not aware of any of our team members or pet parents having contracted the virus at this point. We will continue to provide you with the exceptional service you expect while respecting the health and wellbeing of everyone we come in contact with.
Thanks for your understanding!
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About Us
Heart + Paw was founded in 2018 by Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. George Melillo, who currently serves the Mid-Atlantic area. Heart + Paw offers a combination of veterinary care, pet grooming, and dog daycare to help be a resource in your pet parenthood journey.
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