Explore All Our Pet Parent Resources Below Become an even better pet parent by exploring our extensive database of articles designed to help you ensure your furry friends are happy and healthy.

What are the Signs of a Dog Ear Infection?
Do you suspect your dog might have an ear infection? Ear infections in dogs are more common than you might think, and there are several signs you can learn to recognize that may help you...

The Importance of Veterinary Technician Appointments
Some veterinary appointments do not require a veterinarian to provide a service. Skilled veterinary technicians, who work alongside veterinarians, can handle certain types of visits on their own, or with minimal supervision. These visits are...

Signs of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs Pet Parents Should Look For
Have you ever heard of hip dysplasia in dogs? Hip dysplasia is common in dogs, and some breeds are more prone to it than others. As a pet parent, it’s crucial that you learn how...

Signs of a Blocked Cat: What to Look Out For
Did you know cats can suffer from urinary blockages? A urinary blockage can be a very dangerous condition in a cat, and it’s important to learn how to recognize the symptoms and signs of a...

My Cat Has a Swollen Ear, What Do I Do?
Have you noticed a strange swelling around your cat’s ear recently? Are you worried about what could potentially be wrong with them? Is this something serious, or is it nothing to be concerned about? If...

Kitten Training 101: How to Litter Box Train a Kitten
Do you have a new kitten, or are you thinking of adopting a kitten? Are you concerned about how difficult it might be to litter train your new feline family member? Litter box training a...

Is My Dog Overweight: What Dog Owners Should Know
Does your dog seem like they could have a weight problem? Are you unsure whether or not your dog’s body weight falls into an unsafe territory? How can you tell, and what do you need...

Everything You Need to Know About Cat Seizures
Have you ever seen your cat have a seizure? Although seizures are much less common in cats than they are in dogs, they are still possible, and there is a chance your cat could experience...

Dog Zoomies: 3 Causes of This Behavior
Have you ever seen your dog with a case of the zoomies? Dog zoomies can be cute and fun, especially when your dog seems to be having a good time with them. However, some pet...

Dog Communication 101: What Does Dog Yelping Mean?
Does your dog seem to yelp a lot? Are they in pain, or are they trying to tell you something else is going on? What does it mean when your dog yelps like this? We're...